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Heal Your Subconscious Core Wounds

With Patrycja Mochocka

If you've tried almost everything under the sun to heal your trauma, anxiety and chronic stress but still feel stuck.

I've got you!

  • Are you constantly caught in a cycle of overcompensating, over-giving, and struggling to say no, all while putting others' needs before your own well-being?

  • Do you often suppress your emotions, only to have them explode later in ways that harm your relationships, leaving you burdened with guilt and shame?

  • Have you found yourself going to great lengths to seek approval from others, only to feel terrible about yourself when you inevitably fall short of your own high expectations?

  • Are you plagued by a constant sense of suspicion and hyper-vigilance towards others' actions, frequently accusing or attempting to catch people in lies?

  • Do you struggle with vulnerability, finding yourself becoming defensive or emotionally withdrawing when faced with challenging situations?


You're not alone.

I searched for 16 years and got qualified in 14 modalities trying to find the solution to these struggles.

Believe me when I say, I tried it all so you don't have to.

Try this on for a second...

Imagine a life where your negative self-talk and self-sabotage no longer holds you captive. 

Where you can break free from the chains of trauma, anxiety, and chronic stress. Where relationships and connection can be enjoyed without constant fears of conflict, abandonment or loss. Where a positive self-perception opens doors to endless opportunities.

This is the power of reprogramming your subconscious mind and this course will help you do just that.


Test the waters with our FREE workshop


Join the course

"Your personality determines your personal reality"
- Dr Joe Dispenza

Let's face the facts... 


Most of us know what we need to do to improve our lives but we struggle to get it done, and the reason for this lies in the negative beliefs that are imprinted in your subconscious mind.

Which means that if you don't change on the subconscious level, your struggles will continue.


Your current life, state of your health, finance and relationships is a manifestation of these beliefs.

And the reason why you are struggling to change is because you are not working at the root of the beliefs that are creating unwanted behaviors and circumstances in the first place.


You can simply and easily reprogram your subconscious mind and, once you do, life will mirror back to you the reality you’ve always wanted to see.
Sound good? Then this course is for you.

What is it?

A FREE 3hr Discover Your Core Wounds Intro Workshop - Online Live & Recorded


 Heal Your Subconscious Core Wounds Course - Online Live & Recorded



  • Live Online Tuesday 27 June 2023 at 18:30-21:30

  • We will cover:

    • Why you are self-sabotaging & stuck on your healing journey

    • How your mind and emotions work

    • Why willpower and behavior modifications fail

    • What are core wounds

    • How core wounds develop & affect life now

    • Deep dive into the 5 Major Core Wounds 

    • Brief description of each of the 22 Core Wounds

    • The benefits of reprogramming the "I am unworthy" core wound

    • Details of the Heal Your Subconscious Core Wounds Course

    • Q&A






  • Live course every Tuesday starting July 4th 2023 at 18:30 - 20:30 SAST

  • Live 2hr weekly sessions each Tue as above (recordings available)

    • Q&A​

    • Guided process

  • 6 Ways To Reprogram The Subconscious Mind

  • Delving Deep Into the origins and affects of the "I AM UNWORTHY"  core wound- recording

  • How To Use The Reprogramming  - recording

  • How To Use The Special Frequency Audio Tools - recording

  • BONUS! Psych-K Reprogramming Process with Sandra Pedegana


  • We work through 1 Core Wound In depth per month.

  • Minimum Duration sign up is 1 month - it takes a minimum of 21 days to reprogram one wound.

  • You can choose how many core wounds you want to heal.


You will have access to both this Heal Your Subconscious Core Wounds Course as well as the Create Healthy Relationships Course and the 2x2hr Live weekly sessions for as long as you are a member of the school.




Test the waters with our FREE workshop


Sandra Pedegana, PSYCH-K® Facilitator (Master & Advanced Levels)

What you will learn

  • Discover Your Core Wounds:

    • Unearth the 22 core wounds that have been sabotaging your goals. This is alone can bring a huge relief to that awful feeling like something is wrong with you. There isn't there is just some deep healing needed and it's easy and simple to do once you have the correct tools. And I'm going to give them to you! Discover that these wounds are not unique to you alone; they are shared by countless people seeking healing.

  • 6 Tried & Tested Tools To Repattern Your Subconscious:

    • Simple yet powerful tools that are used by world renowned speakers like Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Rob Lipton as well as the founder of Integrated Attachment theory Thais Gibson. This stuff works!

  • Overcoming Resistance:

    • ​You'll learn how to spot and overcome any roadblocks on your way in this course as well as moving forward in your life.​

  • The Power of Psych-K Reprogramming:

    • Harness the remarkable power of Psych-K to rewrite the narratives of limitation etched within your subconscious mind. Watch as the shackles of old beliefs fall away, replaced by empowering thoughts that propel you towards a life of limitless potential.

  • Special Frequency Audios:

    • You will receive audios that are tuned to the frequency of your subconscious mind. Some of the tools are as easy as just pressing play on your mobile or PC.

  • Guided Thinking Process:

    • ​Learn how to create a peaceful mind that you don't want to get away from. 

  • Worksheet & Action Reprogramming:

    • Engage in practical worksheets and action-oriented reprogramming exercises that anchor your newfound beliefs into everyday life. 

  • Unique Techniques Of Hypnosis & Self Hypnosis

    • If you have tried hypnosis before and it didn't work it's because there are certain elements that were missing. These hypnosis and self-hypnosis sessions are uniquely designed to included subconscious mind hack and heal the core wounds.​

Are Core Wounds Present In Your Life?

Have you been working on your mental health, healing from trauma or anxiety and you still struggle with the following tendencies?


  • People pleasing

  • You feel anxious, stuck or unsafe 

  • Get triggered easily

  • Struggle with anger outbursts

  • You feel like no one cares, hears or sees you

  • You struggle to manage critical thinking

  • You know you have to set boundaries but you just can't seem to do it

  • You have social anxiety

  • You struggle to manage your runaway speed-train mind and emotions

  • You experience weird physical issues which are aggravated by stress

  • Low  or high level anxiety or depression

  • Fear abandonment, rejection and vulnerability

  • Difficulty with trust 

  • You self sabotage your work, fitness goals, relationships

  • Skin picking & nail biting

  • Anxious Attachment

  • Fearful Avoidant Attachment

  • Dismissive Avoidant Attachment


These are signs that there are subconscious core wounds present in your life. This course will help you heal these at the root so you can experience a peaceful mind and a secure attachment in your relationships.


Who is it for?

  • People Who Want To Be Securely Attached: Insecure attachment creates subconscious core wounds. Healing this will change the way you think, feel and act in relationships. It will help you set healthy boundaries and feel secure in yourself and your relationships.

  • Anxious Attachment: Heal your abandonment wound, gain a sense of security and trust in yourself and your relationships.

  • Fearful Avoidant Attachment: Start to trust yourself and others. Find a consistent sense of safety, love and acceptance in your life.

  • Dismissive Avoidants: Overcome your fear of being trapped in relationships and find true feelings of inner freedom. 

  • People Healing From Childhood Trauma or Adult Relational Trauma: Improve your self-confidence. Find safety and security in yourself.

  • People Who Want To Improve Their Mental Health: When you heal your core wounds your mind will be pleasant and calm.

  • People Who Want To Find Emotional Freedom: Negative emotions originate from core wounds, healing these will help you feel more positive emotions more frequently and make negative emotions lighter and easier to manage.

  • People Who Want To Improve Their Relationships: Healing core wounds means you will be less triggered which will make your relationships more stable and pleasant. You will also be attracted to healthy individuals.

What will it help with?

  • Lack of Self Worth: Release the pattern of giving more than you receive and settling for less than you deserve. Rediscover your inherent worth and reclaim your power to create a life filled with abundance and fulfillment.

  • Poor Boundaries: Say goodbye to the cycle of being taken advantage of and establish healthy boundaries that honor your needs, desires, and personal space.

  • Fear of Abandonment: Overcome the deep-seated fear of abandonment that has kept you trapped in patterns of insecurity and clinginess. Embrace a profound sense of safety and emotional stability.

  • Fear of Rejection: Let go of the fear of rejection that has hindered your personal and professional growth. Unlock the courage to step into your authentic self and pursue your dreams with confidence.

  • Fear of Being Trapped or Stuck: Break free from the paralyzing fear of being trapped in relationships or repetitive patterns. Embrace the freedom to explore new possibilities and embrace a life of adventure and growth.

  • Toxic Relationships due to a Lack of Self Worth: Release the chains of toxic relationships that stem from a lack of self-worth. Cultivate the inner strength to attract and nurture healthy, loving connections.

  • People Pleasing: Bid farewell to the exhausting pattern of people-pleasing and discover the profound self-respect and consideration that arises when you prioritize your own needs and desires.

  • Feeling Not Enough: Dissolve the deep-rooted belief of not being enough and embrace a profound sense of self-acceptance and self-love.

  • Low Self-Confidence/Self-Esteem: Awaken your inherent self-confidence and self-esteem, empowering yourself to step into your brilliance and embrace a life of success and fulfillment.

  • Feeling Unsafe, Unheard, Unseen: Transform the experience of feeling unsafe, unheard, and unseen into a deep sense of safety, validation, and recognition of your unique worth.

  • Negative Emotions: Liberate yourself from the grip of negative emotions that drain your energy and hinder your growth. Embrace a life brimming with positive emotions, joy, and inner peace.


Benefits Of Healing Your Core Wounds

These methods have been tried and tested by hundres of people in my teachers practice as well as my own. I  get absolutely thrilled to hear my clients report these benefits:


  • Feel safe, calm, and secure within yourself and your relationships.

  • Recognize and honor your own inherent value and worth.

  • Establish healthy boundaries that protect your emotional well-being.

  • Cultivate a deep sense of connection, safety, and security in yourself and your relationships.

  • Embrace self-acceptance and love, honoring the beautiful essence of who you are.

  • Experience a newfound sense of freedom and flow in all areas of life and relationships.

  • Break free from the cycle of people-pleasing, prioritizing your own self-respect and consideration.

  • Attract and nurture healthy partners who support your growth and happiness.

  • Feel genuinely good enough, embracing a profound sense of self-worth.

  • Radiate self-confidence, knowing that you are worthy of all that you desire.

  • Feel safe, heard, and seen, experiencing deep emotional validation and connection.

  • Embrace a life filled with positive emotions, joy, and a renewed zest for living.


This group course is a quarter of the price of one-on-one coaching to

make it accessible to more people.

In addition to the Heal Your Subconscious Core Wounds You will also receive:

Full Access Pass To the Create Healthy Relationships Course

Over 40hrs worth of content to make you a relationship expert

which includes lectures on:

  • Healing Your Attachment Style

  • Boundaries

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Discover & Fulfill Your Subconscious Needs

  • Shadow Work

  • Emotional & Nervous System Regulation

  • and so much more

  • Heal Your Subconscious Core Wounds with all the audios & a bonus with a Psych-K reprogramming coach Sandra Pedagna

  • Please note this is a month by month subscription plan. You are welcome to do any of the subjects for that month.


Total Cost: 

R2500/month or $135/month

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